Get A Move On

As I mentioned before I haven't been posting any articles lately due to the new and improved Blogger being a pain in the ass when I'm trying to properly format. So I'll try it one more time. * * * U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) doesn’t believe climate change is man-made, it’s just the forces of nature at work. (He also claimed he got Covid 19 from wearing a mask but I digress.) During a subcommittee hearing he asked the associate deputy chief for the National Forest System if climate change could be fixed by altering the orbit of the moon or the Earth’s orbit around the sun. ( ) I didn’t know the Forest Service was part of the Space Force. Such statements cast the image of the Republican party as anti-science. Louie’s moving statement was the source of amusement for some. Don’t despair, Louie. Just take a look at the 1962 Japanese SF movie Gorath ( ). The title r...