Plottastic! Attack of the Blood Bay Lamprey Zombies

By Ray X Sometimes my creative genius surprises me. I'm all set to work on a screenplay for the ultimate SF horror movie. Plot: An international athletic competition is being held in a major South American city. (For legal reasons this competition isn't the 2016 Summer Olympics and the city isn't Rio, Brazil.) The city abuts a large body of water that some call Blood Bay. This bay has been used for countless years as a sewer, the locals dumping in all sort of environmental nasties – garbage, chemicals, sewage, etc. The South American host city assures the international athletic committee that the bay will be cleaned up before the games begin, especially those occurring in the water. So what if some human body parts wash up on the beach area set aside for the volleyball games. Just a fluke. Anyway the bay will be in good shape. Trust us. But when the games start the pollution reduction is only partially completed. The internatio...