Violent Monsters As Kiddie Friends

The Hulk. Green and mean. A rampaging muscular mass who destroys all in his path. Uncontrollable fury. So do you think someone could teach him to be polite? That’s the basis for the illustrated children’s book, Please and Thank You, featuring Spider-Girl and the Hulk sitting in a tree house, eating hamburgers. The Hulk grunts, telling Spider-Girl to give him the ketchup. Spider-Girl explains to the Hulk that it’s polite to use “please” and “thank you.” The Hulk responds: “Hulk? Rude?” He thanks Spider-Girl for teaching him how to be polite. That’s not the Hulk I know. I think the encounter would play out like this: “Spider-Girl has cooties. Hulk smash!” And there’s Godzilla, a 30-story tall dinosaur known for his dance move, the Tokyo Stomp. With a sweep of his cyclopean tail he can taken out an entire village. Missiles and bombs don’t slow him down. When you look at the cover of the kids’ book, Go...