Zine Zap: Grunted Warning
"No jail for ham attack"
"Banana fear put straight"
"Penis taken in evidence"
Actual headlines from actual articles collected by zine editor Stuart Stratu in Down, Under AKA Australia. Grunted Warning is a gritty digest-sized pub (8 1/2 by 11 inch pages folded lengthways and stapled into a booklet) with a quirky quickly-pasted lay out, photos and news clippings chopped and then thrown together. The rough design adds to the rough quality of the subject matter. For example, "With S&M a scar is born," an article about two Czech porn producers who put a few actors in the hospital with their sado-masochistic production. (Ouch.)
But don't get the impression that GW is all about sexual perversion and scandal. Check out "Giant rats kill babies" and "Rats ground Qantas flight." Or the clipping about the Russian scientist who thinks ET contact will occur in a couple of decades. (Based on what? Strong Russian vodka?)
You can contact Stuart at PO Box 35, Marrickville NSW, 2204, Australia for a copy of Grunted Warning. He accepts a $1.00, stamps (AUS -- that's Australia, not Austria), trade, friendly letter or unusual clippings.
People have been talking about imminent disclosure since at least the 1970s. If it hasn't happened yet, I'm not waiting twenty years for it, although I could stand a hit of that strong Russian vodka.