XR #79
If you're looking for the latest PDF version of my print zine, you'll have to go to my new Website: https://sites.google.com/site/rayxzone/ . You have the option of viewing the issue online or downloading it to read later.
Why a new site? Simple. It's easier to use than the other one I had; I don't have to use Sea Monkey Composer and play around with HTML just to upload and archive issues. Older issues of the Ray X X-Rayer are still available at http://xrayer.com . At some point I might combine both sites into one, using the xrayer.com URL to re-direct to the new site.
Saving time by using a Google site means more time to research and create new articles.
Well, they won't learn here how to disguise spam as a sincere comment, you rectal polyp.
Since I have no kids, I can't offer you even more traffic. For that, I apologize.