Channeling Heaven

If you've been victimized by a Catholic priest, then St. John the Apostle, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jesus want to help you.
That's the message of "Heaven Speaks to Victims of CLERICAL ABUSE" (2005). The book is written by "Anne" but not in the sense of a traditional author. Described as a wife and mother, "Anne" hears messages in her heart from above which she records and shares with others. The process of "interior locution" -- which has the semblance of "channeling" as practiced by New Age psychics -- has resulted in a series of booklets published by the non-profit corporation Direction for Our Times.
As noted in "Heaven Speaks to Victims" Anne's bishop has given permission for the messages to be published. The publisher adds that all messages have been submitted to the Holy See for the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur.
The nihil obstat and imprimatur are official declarations granted by Roman Catholic Church officials that state a printed work is free of doctrinal or moral error but without the implication that the officials agree with everything presented in the work. What is important is the work won't harm one's faith or morals. It sounds like a variation of the standard disclaimer, "The views expressed by guests / interviewees / listeners / commenters are not necessarily those of this TV station / radio station / newspaper / Website, etc."
Here are some key points found in "Heaven Speaks:"
-- St. John the Apostle states that Jesus didn't assault young ones. It was done by those who had free will, who decided to commit such sins. Jesus didn't give free will to the abusers to assault innocent children. It was given so that a soul could choose heaven freely.
-- The Blessed Mother says that the world will benefit by the suffering of all victims because they will obtain from Jesus healing graces for their souls and also for other souls around them.
-- Jesus explains that clerical abuse is a double betrayal: both the victim and him were betrayed by those who claimed to serve heaven but instead served the enemy. Due to the circumstances of these misdeeds he is allotting unlimited graces for the healing of all victims. (Skeptics may say that Jesus is playing favorites.)
More information about "Anne" and her messages can be found at .