The Councillor And The Fatally Flawed Timetable

"The ramifications of getting this timetable wrong
to our people and elected politicians who are not in the loop
would be as quick as shit going through a goose."
-- Adrian Hicks, "Judgement And Democracy" speech.
One day in 2004 Adrian Hicks witnessed a female ET walking penguin-like down High Street in the city of Winchester, England. Employed as an orthopaedic technician at a local hospital where he set broken bones, he could tell from how her limbs moved that while she appeared basically human at first glance, she was really from another world. Her oversized slightly pinky eyes were also a giveaway.
This bizarre incident inspired Hicks to run for office. Not mentioning the ET encounter during his campaign, he became a city councillor as a member of the Liberal Democrats. In March 2009 he could no longer remain silent about what he had learned about the presence of aliens on our planet.
In his speech entitled "Judgement And Democracy" -- there is a link to it on his website, -- he explains that an organization known as Majestic has concealed the ET presence since its formation after an UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947. Originally Majestic was composed of only twelve members, America's most senior scientific experts and politicians.
Besides keeping under wraps the recovery of the crashed UFO and its occupants at Roswell, Majestic was also mandated by then-President Harry Truman to establish contact with ETs visiting our planet. Contact was made in the early 1950s with a variety of alien civilizations, both benevolent and non-benevolent.
Hicks mentions the book by Colonel Philip J. Corso, Retired, "The Day After Roswell," which purportedly documents how the technology from the Roswell crash was back-engineered, giving the world such discoveries as lasers, integrated circuits, fiber optics, and electro-magnetic propulsion.
Majestic grew from a small organization to a becoming a colossal satellite government under the administration of President Richard Nixon.
Hicks praises Majestic -- now the US Space Command -- for at first keeping the ET presence secret to avoid panic among the people of earth. But he adds that the timetable for disclosure is fatally flawed.
He finds it "morally repugnant" that the ET presence is still under wraps. The world has changed since 1947; this is a different generation that can handle the revelation that we're not alone in the universe.
The reason why the disclosure timetable is fatally flawed is because the story is getting out despite the continued secrecy. If a formal announcement isn't made, then the revelation will be made informally, causing a public reaction that its elected officials are "the scum of the earth" and "arch deceivers."
So what lead to Hicks witnessing a female ET waddling around in public back in 2004, a sighting that lasted ten minutes?
Apparently a military base commander with a sense of humor allowed a visitor out on a "jolly" for a stroll up High Street on that fateful day.
Hicks wraps up his speech with these inspiring words:
"To those of you who have listened to my open speech, who have come to realize where we're at in our history, but perhaps who are saying, 'Why us? Why me?' The answer is: 'Because we're here. And it's now. And it's time.'"
This is one patriot talking to the patriots of US Space Command. Please hear me. I am yours respectfully, Adrian Hicks."
First off, there is a problem that all "democracies" have in warding off undue influence, what David Wise termed "invisible government." We obviously need to address this. Second, with respect to UFOs, I don't see any security problem with making almost all of the information available to the public. As I see it, it's more like a political problem.
I wouldn't know if there is a Space Command/Majestic per se, but approaching this speech as an open plea to shadow government was reasonable. Perhaps more should be done along those lines (e.g., the UFO ballot initiative that either Arizona or New Mexico tried a decade ago). Unfortunately, I don't think Hicks will be successful on that front. After all, we've been threatened with/promised (depending on how you view things) disclosure since the days of Hickson and Parker.
Even though my best guess is that full disclosure will reveal something very different than what most ufologists generally believe (i.e., extraterrestrial origin), I realize I can be wrong about that. Still, officialdom knows more than we do. Not releasing said material, and forbidding witnesses to speak does run counter to democratic notions, as Hicks says.
I still have a couple of videos featuring Hicks that I have to review. I don't know if after I watch them whether or not I have more to cover on this story. But at some point I'll at least comment on the story, my personal take on it.
Besides this pseudonymous blog, I have other creative endeavors I'm trying to juggle at the same time. But I know you understand the time crunch problem.