The Councillor And The Fatally Flawed Timetable "The ramifications of getting this timetable wrong to our people and elected politicians who are not in the loop would be as quick as shit going through a goose." -- Adrian Hicks, "Judgement And Democracy" speech. One day in 2004 Adrian Hicks witnessed a female ET walking penguin-like down High Street in the city of Winchester, England. Employed as an orthopaedic technician at a local hospital where he set broken bones, he could tell from how her limbs moved that while she appeared basically human at first glance, she was really from another world. Her oversized slightly pinky eyes were also a giveaway. This bizarre incident inspired Hicks to run for office. Not mentioning the ET encounter during his campaign, he became a city councillor as a member of the Liberal Democrats. In March 2009 he could no longer remain silent about what he had learned about the presence of aliens on our planet. In his speech entitled ...