Saint Jung?

I found the two glossy cards seen above at a downtown coffeehouse. As an ex-Catholic these remind me of prayer cards depicting various saints.
I’ve got nothing against Carl Jung; somewhere in this rambling mess that dominates my apartment is a copy of FLYING SAUCERS: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies. But the photos used on the promotional cards are so reverential that -- at least to my jaded mind’s eye -- they smack of religiosity.
I hope that after I shed my mortal coil that people won’t idealize me, promulgating all sorts of hagiographic works.
On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t worry about that at all, especially with the devout Carl Jung followers in Vermont.
In The Undiscovered Self, for instance, he relates the content of a private conversation he had with Sigmund Freund in which Freud admitted to certain observations, but never published them because he didn't want to fuel the occult--which, of course, Jung had no problem doing.
What's interesting is that each saint had a special power to help you with a particular problem. Saint Blaise would protect your throat so that you wouldn't choke to death. Faced with a lost cause? Then Saint Jude could save the day. It's been pointed out that some saints were re-imaginings of pagan idols. Me, I think the saints were the original superheroes, the Justice League of God.
And for modern times, forget Doc Savage. Call in Doc Jung!