It’s Academic Fortunately Loren Coleman was there to set the record straight. Over at Coleman has posted an article showing how academic types, despite their vaunted degrees, can get still get it wrong. ( The Flatwoods Monster Decoded – 11/6/07 .) Coleman recently attended a conference in Maine, the Twenty-First Annual Conference of The Society for Literature, Science and the Arts 2007. He attended panels dealing with cryptozoology, his area of interest. One such panel dealt with Gray Barker and the Flatwoods Monster incident. Four academic types – three of them from the University of West Virginia – discussed their research into the Gray Barker archives related to the sighting of a strange being in Flatwoods, West Virginia back in 1952. To quote Coleman: “They mentioned many people I had worked with or have known, such as Ivan T. Sanderson, James Moseley, John Keel and Barker, so the material was firsthand to me.” While he sat in the audience, Coleman noted a few his...
Showing posts from November, 2007
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Paul Kimball's Prediction In a post at his blog, The Other Side Of Truth , Paul Kimball discusses a new book by author Jeremy Vaeni. ( Nov. 2, 2007 ). He soon digresses, making an observation about certain folks in ufology "who seem to be obsessed with the notion that George W. Bush is a fascist anti-Christ." He also adds: "...when he (GWB) leaves office at the end of his term with no fuss, I'll be the first to say ‘I told you so’.” A prediction, Paul? Gee, how can this be? After all, you took me to task for "predicting" that the war in Iraq would turn out to be a disaster. Of course, since I was considering the history of the region, from the Crusades to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, I should have expected Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) was going to be a complete success, no long-term problems. Mission Accomplished! Be careful with those predictions, Paul.
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Who Really Drives The Saucer? “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Many scholars have debated the meaning of those words uttered by Jesus dying on the cross. To R.L. Dione those words mean only one thing: it’s conclusive proof that Jesus was in contact with an UFO. In his classick book, God Drives A Flying Saucer , Dione claims that Jesus had his pain relieved by hypnosis induced by an ET God. But the pain became too much for even a trance to control. On page 114 (Bantam Books, 1973), Dione claims: “In the last analysis the incident makes sense only when we conclude that Jesus experienced more pain that he had been led to believe he would. And his knowledge that the saucerian above was reading his mind (thus being aware of his suffering) was allowing the pain to continue despite his ability to stop it. This saucerian (God) may in a sense have betrayed Jesus after all. He may have allowed Jesus to suffer a little more than promised in order to remain above reproach in the ...
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Jesus, Saucerian Agent Of Deception It’s easy to perform miracles when God, up there in his flying saucer, is backing you up with all sorts of supertechnological chicanery. A brain manipulator and hypnosis can work around, not overcome, science. R.L. Dione outlined the true story behind Jesus in his book, God Drives A Flying Saucer (Bantam Books, 1972). He claimed that the being we call God is actually an alien who has been secretly influencing events on earth for centuries. As Dione points out, little is known about Jesus until he reached adulthood. This is because time was needed to make him the perfect agent of deception: education, indoctrination. Like a sleight of hand trickster, Jesus had to practice how to perform his miracles without any hitches. And, adds Dione cryptically, maybe this human chosen by Saucerian God had to undergo some biological changes. Another reason why Jesus stayed in the background for thirty years is because his master had to set up some other pawns ...
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Radio Station GOD Experiments involving the implantation of electrodes in the brains of animals have shown that electrical stimulation to specific parts of the brain can control certain emotions. If these signals can be given directly, then theoretically they can be transmitted over a distance, to be received by our “brain radios.” -- God Drives A Flying Saucer , Page 33 (Bantam Books, 1969). Did you know God in his flying saucer beamed messages to Adolph Hitler, manipulating the dictator so that the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima would be come true? Welcome to the world of R.L. Dione. A world where God is supertechnological, not supernatural, the leader of alien technicians from another world. The miracles at Fatima during 1916 – 1917 were actually UFO encounters, claims Dione. The three children didn’t see and receive messages from the Angel of Peace and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was high tech deception by God the Alien. One of the Fatima prophecies claimed peace would ensu...
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The Solution Is Now A Problem Sleep apnea prevents proper rest. Airways constrict, the sufferer gasps for air, the sleep cycle is constantly interrupted. CPAP is one solution. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. Strap on the mask, activate the unit, and the increased pressure keeps the airways open during sleep. As I’ve mentioned before I’ve been trying to deal with sleep apnea by using CPAP. But lately I’ve been hitting a wall. Dead tired, I put on the mask. The machine activates and – bang! – I’m wide-awake. It’s refreshed me. Or I do drift off but the mask slips and the seal starts leaking, “farting” with each breath. Adjust the mask. Drift off, move in bed a little, and then leaking air starts hitting my eyes. Another adjustment. And then another. I get pissed off after an hour of such torture and then give up, ripping off the mask. Then I finally fall asleep but I’ve lost an hour. Of course, it isn’t a deep sleep, but at least it’s some rest. Lousy sleep is better th...