Still Dissing Hippies Decades Later

Nothing wrong with the ads – until lately. Now the ad page pops up with an image of two scruffy guys, stereotypical “dirty” hippies. Here’s the copy with the ad:
Bl!o#dy Hippies
They go on shocking people, proliferate and perambulate through the whole country without having a permanent home - computer viruses are nothing but hippies. Unfortunately, on your PC's expense. But thank God the 70s were followed by the 80s because beginning with this period AntiVir started to put an end to this goings. Take Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium for instance.
And then there’s a link to learn more about the premium program:
Go to the Anti-Hippie commune!
I don’t know who created this ad, but what’s next? Could it be something like:
Of course, you’re a woman and have no talent for anything technical, but Avira is simple enough for you to use. Even blondes can figure it out.
When I sign on, my computer automatically connects to the Avira web site for the latest updates. Avira does provide a free personal version of their virus protection program that works well, but it also likes to promote its for-pay version. While the new files download, a special page pops up, an ad promoting the benefits of the premium version.
Nothing wrong with the ads – until lately. Now the ad page pops up with an image of two scruffy guys, stereotypical “dirty” hippies. Here’s the copy with the ad:
Bl!o#dy Hippies
They go on shocking people, proliferate and perambulate through the whole country without having a permanent home - computer viruses are nothing but hippies. Unfortunately, on your PC's expense. But thank God the 70s were followed by the 80s because beginning with this period AntiVir started to put an end to this goings. Take Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium for instance.
And then there’s a link to learn more about the premium program:
Go to the Anti-Hippie commune!
I don’t know who created this ad, but what’s next? Could it be something like:
Of course, you’re a woman and have no talent for anything technical, but Avira is simple enough for you to use. Even blondes can figure it out.
Do "vagrants" congregate in communes? Sure, some hippies did wander around, just like some "punks" or people with blue eyes.
And why compare hippies to computer viruses? Gee, that's something a dirty "commie" would do, not a hippie. Avira should use the appropriate stereotype! [G]
R. Lee:
I was never a hippie. At one time I had long hair and some people thought I was one, but I've never tried to fit a particular mold. The long hair bit was a way to save money (fewer haircuts).
One wonders how long before they try out: "Hey, soul brother, our service is so simple you won't have to put down your fried chicken and watermelon to use it!"