RX XR #148 Published
The latest issue is available at https://efanzines.com/RXXR/RXXR-148.pdf . Previous issues can be found here: https://efanzines.com/RXXR/index.htm Below is a sample article from XR #148. Potty-Mouth Reviews Stars Wars: The Rise of Skywalker A review evinces high standards by the use of coarse language. Nothing gets the point across than saying a movie studio is sending a big F.U. to fans with a new release. Someone with the dubious appellation of That Star Wars Girl ranted on YouTube how she thought the latest Star Wars movie was a fragment of fecal matter. (Or in words to that effect.) I enjoy a good rant but there's more to one than a string of obscenities that an immature middle grade school student would use. You don't impress me with a plethora of potty pronouncements. Such words don't bother me, they bore me. Try reading Roger Ebert reviews if you want to intelligently make points about a movie.