Dialing For Destruction

Just set that dial, load, drop and -- boom or BOOOM! I was joking around with someone about a bad 1960s sci-fi novel called “The Day They H-Bombed Los Angeles” by Robert Moore Williams. Who was bombing LA? While our government, of course, trying to contain a plague caused by a rogue protein molecule turning humans into howling zombies. But our hero and his friends live to tell the tale after the City of Angels is H-Bombed three – count 'em – three times. I joked the government must have been using low-yield H-Bombs. And while I was Googling to see what was out there for low-yield A-Bombs I came across a reference to variable yield or dial-a-yield nukes. Some nukes can be adjusted before they're loaded on bombers. There was the Mod-10 B61 bomb that had four dial settings: 0.3, 5, 10 or 80 kilotons. So what would happen if the technician setting the dial was upset, the-wife-had-a-headache-last-night scenario? The dial is supposed to ...