I asked myself: Are these comments for real? Recently I had two comments posted at my blog regarding my article, George Adamski & Our Amazing CRT Solar System . George was one of the most famous contactees of his time. He claimed that on November 20, 1952 he met a Venusian visitor named Orthon in the Colorado Desert. Instead of a many-tentacled monstrous blob Orthon looked human, his features the archetype of the Nordic alien. George claimed he traveled to other planets in our solar system thanks to the Space Brothers. In his third and final book, Flying Saucers Farewell, he explained how other planets far away from the sun were still hospitable, sunny and warm, due to the solar system acting like a cathode ray tube (CRT.) It sounded like some inventive but wild rationalization for what he saw and what scientists had actually discovered. Both commenters came to George's defense. Maybe one or both are jokers, putting me on, but their comment...