CIY: Comic It Yourself

(From Ray X X-Rayer #135.) Impetus: Cerebus The Aardvark. When he was around twelve years old Doug Arthur's three-years-older brother brought home a number of independent/underground comic books. Cerebus The Aardvark left such an impression on him that today he produces his own independent comics. He and his brother Rick were really into comic books, frequenting the FantaCo comic book shop in Albany, NY. Each brother grew from a fan into a creator, a writer/artist in the comic book medium. (In Doug's case he developed an enthusiastic writing style apparently inspired by comic book dialogue that relied heavily on exclamation points.) Doug: "[Rick and I] started reading comics regularly in the late 70's around the time of Star Wars. It was a good time to be a kid!" The FantaCo shop offered more than the usual DC and Marvel superhero comics. As a neophyte comic book fan Doug was exposed to independent titles like Eflquest and The Spirit r...