DIY Zining The Old Tech Way
Illustration: Dom Monet By Ray X If civilization collapses – no internet, no electricity – James Dawson will keep on zining. He would return to his old DIY production devices: manual typewriters, mimeograph machines. All non-electric, human powered. He could rebuild the zine scene. Even without civilization collapsing James prefers old tech. James: “Older technology is sturdier and more reliable, simpler and more intuitive to understand, less confusing, less glitchy and frustrating, and once you find supplies, cheaper than modern electronic technology. In fact I prefer mechanical technology over older electro-mechanical because I don't have a head for the latter conceptually and I'm not patient or skilled enough to tinker with it if it breaks down.” In his early zining days he used a mimeograph machine to publish. Mimeographic printing involves making impressions on a stencil via typing and drawing to create a ...