TAFFy Pull: Nominee John Purcell Draws In the Votes

(From Ray X X-Rayer #131. http://efanzines.com/RXXR/index.htm ) Welcome to SF fan alphabet soup. TAFF. CUFF. DUFF. GUFF. All three organizations raise funds so that science fiction fans can travel to conventions in other parts of the world. Three candidates are vying to win TAFF, Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund.* The TAFF 2017 Ballot explains: "TAFF has regularly brought North American fans to European conventions and European fans to North American conventions. It exists solely through the support of fandom." This year it's North America to Europe. Fanzine editor and 2017 TAFF nominee John Purcell took the time to explain how TAFF works. John is a Minnesotan transplanted to Texas. His day job: His day job: instructor at Blinn Community College. Hobbies: Besides SF fandom there's music, playing guitar. He publishes two fanzines with easily confused titles, Askew and Askanc e. (I know after writing a letter of...