Don’t Think, Keep Marching

IMAGE: (From Ray X X-Rayer #130) In the last issue I mentioned the term "marching morons." For those who didn't get the connection I was referring to a short story by Cyril M. Kornbluth first published in the April 1951 edition of Galaxy Science Fiction.* "The Marching Morons" opens in the future, a world where low IQ citizens greatly outnumber the intelligent class. The simple-minded people need constant attention and care from their mental superiors. But a solution to this problem is found when "Honest John Barlow," awakens from suspended animation. Back in 1988 a dental accident induced a deep sleep in Barlow. After acclimating himself to the future wheeler dealer Barlow thinks of a scheme to deal with the surfeit of the simple-minded. Suddenly the public hears that traveling to other worlds has been perfected -- or so it's claimed. Advertising and "news...