Even Spock Gets Freakin' Irrational

(C) 2014 Ray X "Did you see Star Trek last night? Spock was horny!" Standing in line, waiting for lunch outside the junior high school cafeteria, when I hear one of my adolescent "peers" give his erudite review of the episode, "Amok Time," from the original ST TV series. For those of you unfamiliar with Star Trek in any of its incarnations Spock is the half-earthling/half-alien science officer aboard the starship Enterprise in the 23rd Century (Earth time). He struggles with his human side which at times is in conflict with his logical Vulcan upbringing. Vulcans value unemotional rational thought above all else. But as the episode "Amok Time" reveals even Vulcans deal with irrational and violent impulses when it comes to mating time - pon farr. Every seven years Vulcans have to knock boots or eventually die like a female ferret with intact virginity at mating season's end. I knew one woman who liked the character of Spock...