20, 100, Then…?

I just returned from a brisk nighttime walk to the post office to drop off the latest edition of my paper zine, Ray X X-Rayer #100 . My walk was brisk not because of excessive energy on my part: quick movement was required because it's freakin' 10 degrees F/-12 degrees C outside. Back in February 1994 – I don’t remember the eXact date – I launched my zine. (I pick Groundhog Day as an arbitrary date for the first issue.) Twenty years and 100 issues later and I’m wondering how I managed to keep it going for so long. Over time my writing shifted from zining to blogging this stuff first, then slapping together some posts into a paper format. I’ve almost given up along the way – that’s why my output isn’t prolific. I think what helped me was not deciding to published on a definite schedule; I decided to write when inspiration struck me. Ergo the long gaps between zine editions and posts. The fun of zining – and even blogging – has faded. Ma...