
Showing posts from October, 2013

Kimball Empties Roswell Saucer

Filmmaker/researcher Paul Kimball has seen the light – and it ain't a UFO. For years he commented on various subjects including ufology at his Blogspot site, The Other Side of Truth .  I stopped by there the other day and couldn't access it. With some Google searching I discovered that Paul has closed down that site.   The Other Side of Truth is now a subdomain at his personal website [ ]. On his Facebook page [ ] Paul announced the best of his writing from Blogspot is being transferred to his personal Website.  Also he will continue to comment on paranormal subjects such as ghosts but no more UFOs. As I had suspected the Blogspot site was shut down due to the dust-up between Paul and UFO researcher Kevin Randle. Just to hit the key points of the controversy: Kevin belonged to a "Dream Team" of researchers searching for the truth behind the Roswell Crash.  Recent...