Psychophysics Experiments: Alien Tricksters Or Bunglers?

"Velcro I grok but zippers?" December 10, 1965. Betty and Barney Hill returned home to find a mystery waiting for them: a large oval-shaped chuck of ice on the kitchen table. They didn't know how it got there or what it signified. The inexplicable object greatly disturbed the couple. It was another weird event following their abduction by humanoid aliens one night four years ago on a lonely country road. Betty put the ice chunk in the sink, using hot water to melt it completely away. In her diary Betty noted the unusual properties of the ice. There was no wetness on the table. The chunk was light for its size and wasn't completely hard but "flexible." She also recorded that there was a cut pattern inside it. This and other paranormal happenings are detailed in the book, "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience," by Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden. What I find unusual is that the Hills sought out p...