OK, UFOs -- Do Something! Now this is taking my suggestion to the extreme... The reports keep coming in. Some are hoaxes, some are misidentifications, some are delusions. What remains are unexplainable incidents. A person sees a strange light in the night sky performing maneuvers beyond the capability of any terrestrial vehicle. Another observes a mysterious object during the daytime, a mysterious visitor from beyond the outer limits. The sightings are usually brief, no proof left behind. Photos and videos? Images can be faked, especially in this age of CGI. Not hard evidence. UFOs keep teasing, just out of our tangible grasp. Enough is enough. I can't bother to read any more inconclusive reports involving will-o-wisps. I'm ignoring the phenomena, at least the endless and meaningless reports. Until you UFOs do something, I'm not bothering playing your game. Put on a real show instead of pissing around in the heavens. Don't harm any livin...