Take That, You Dirty Rats! The Andromeda Council has been killing “the rats under the wood pile.” Or so claims Tolec, human representative of the AC on earth. In a YouTube interview dated Sept. 30, 2011 ( http://youtu.be/mRpCV3pK6jY ) Tolec spoke off-camera with Alfred Webre, exopolitics writer/researcher, about the DUMBs (deep underground military bases) where evil reptilian and gray aliens have been feeding off the intense emotions of unsuspecting humans. Those emotions have been generated by beam weapons that stoke hate and fear, causing more conflict and violence, especially in places like the Mid-East. Tolec claims the aliens feed on these emotions like psychic vampires. Smacks a bit of sci fi, huh? The hidden underground bases sound like they’re straight out of a Richard Shaver story. His tales appeared in the old pulp magazine, “Amazing Stories,” but he claimed they were based on truth. Beneath the earth lurked the Deros who preyed on mankind above. One reader wrote to the...