Camping It Up Again It's the "I was almost right" argument. May 21st, 2011 -- Judgment Day. A good person would be raptured up to heaven, eternal salvation, but an unsaved one would simply perish, his consciousness wiped away forever. Instead of the whole world falling apart at the same time, May 21st would be a methodical doomsday, step by step. Starting at the international dateline, each time zone would experience great earthquakes at 6 PM local time. Or so claimed Family Radio President Harold Camping who sat at home on that fateful day, waiting for news from the other side of the world about God's judgment marching along the globe, each time zone a falling domino. Then nothing happened. So Camping went into seclusion while some of his followers were pissed off, including the ones that spent their own money to spread the world about doomsday through such outlets as billboards, books, and even a lit sign on top of a car. But Camping is back. He says he was wrong...
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Will You Survive The Camping Trip? Mark your calendar. May 21st, 2011. It's the end of the world. If you're a good Christian, raptured to heaven you will go. As for the rest of us, we're screwed. So says Harold Camping, President of Family Radio, a Christian broadcasting service heard throughout the world via shortwave radio. I wrote about his prediction back in 2009 [ ]. I almost forgot that the hour was nigh. (Sin is so distracting.) How can Camping declare the world will end when it's stated in the Bible that no one will be tipped off about when Final Judgment is going to hit? This point is raised at the Family Radio Website: "No one except God knows the time of the end of the world. How does anyone dare to teach that the Rapture and the Day of Judgment will occur on May 21, 2011? Doesn’t the Bible say very plainly that no one can know the day or the hour of Christ’s return? Indeed t...
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JFK's Far Out Affair Did President John F. Kennedy engage in extramarital extraterrestrial sex? If the story is true, then it was one small shtup for a man, one giant shtup for mankind. According to backwards voice analyst Jon Kelly, President Kennedy made an unconscious slip during his last press conference. By reversing and digitizing a key statement made by JFK, Kelly claims there's evidence that JFK had sexual intercourse with an ET, either as a contactee or as an abductee. In an excerpt of his video presentation (see link below) Kelly notes that JFK was known for his many affairs, including movie star Marilyn Monroe who was a presidential mistress. Kelly can tease out unconscious messages through his backwards speech analysis to reveal hidden truths. In the video excerpt the reversed words of JFK seem to say: "He had sex with an alien." How doe Kelly find these hidden messages? In an Internet radio interview with "Insights for the Soul" he states: ...
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Time Travel Validated Obama's Destiny During his 2008 campaign Barack Obama didn't have to worry about being elected to the presidency of the United States. It was a done deal, time-traveling government agents told him. According to researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre (see links below) the president belongs to a third generation CIA family. Someone else under the control of the CIA. Ho-hum. But what makes this CIA-connected conspiracy stand out is that the Agency has access to quantum access time travel. According to Webre and a whistle blower named Andrew D. Basiago (link below), a highly-classified operation called Project Pegasus allows the government to probe into the space-time continuum, using Tesla technology to teleport someone into the past or future or to somewhere like Mars. Basiago claims that as a young child in the 1970's he served as a Project Pegasus chrononaut. Future presidents -- both Bushes and Bill Clinton -- had been "pre-identified" thro...