
Showing posts from August, 2007
Ufoological Images Let’s see. I can comment on the latest feuds going on in ufodumb or provide insightful takes on ufo-related images. Not a hard choice. This first image is from an ad for a local insurance company. I blotted out the company’s contact info. I’ll be more than happy to promote its services – for a fee, of course. (Gotta make a bit of dough with this money-losing interest.) This ad is striking, does get your attention, but is it lost on the average person who doesn’t think about being abducted and anally probed? Does this company imply that it will cover you if you’re beamed aboard a flying saucer? I’ve always wondered why gray aliens rudely probe people. Maybe they’re trying to promote universal health care and are offering free colonoscopies. Next up: a postcard from Roswell. Some friends decided to move west this month, leaving Plattsburgh, NY behind. On their trip they passed through Roswell, New Mexico, and checked out the Cover-Up Café. Why did they move? ...
Happy Birthday, Supreme Commander Unbeknownst to me until tonight, August 4th marks the birthday of James W. Moseley, perpetrator of the zine, Saucer Smear . I was talking to Jim via a semi-secured telephone line about various subjects ufological and ufoological when he mentioned it was his birthday. Besides all of his other honorary titles, we can now call him The Spirit Of 76. If gray aliens ever abduct him, Jim promised to call me by phone, giving me an exclusive interview during his capture. Of course, knowing the evil grays, I’ll have to pay for the call. (Does anyone know what the collect charges are from Out There?)
UFOdom & Boredom Tautology induces yawning. A man observes strange lights in the night sky. The lights might be extra-terrestrial craft. Or might not be. A woman finds a small scar on her leg after she recalls under hypnosis her abduction by small gray aliens. The scar could be proof of her abduction. Or it could be just an ordinary scar. The data keeps repeating itself, maybe with a new riff here and there, but essentially there is no solid evidence. A UFO sighting in 2007 sounds like one reported in 1947. OK, so the mystery can’t be solved. But with ufology the mind can still be exercised, stretched a bit. Intelligent people can theorize and speculate. Ufology can be interdisciplinary: psychology, metaphysics, folklore, etc. Discussion and debate can keep one mentally toned up. But another feud erupts. A says that B is a liar, B says A is wrong, A says something else to prove B is a liar, and C, D, E, etc. chime in with their takes on the subject. It’s not a matter of ...