Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lettermanati Is Finally Over

(C) 2015  Ray X

At last: no more ads or news items about David Letterman leaving the Late Show.  The omnipresent relentless push to tune in his final shows produced great irritation with this writer.  Of course the local CBS-TV affiliate had to carry stories about how some of the staff had met the talk show host.  Even BBC TV News carried a story about the pseudo-event.  That's news?

Years ago I wrote a put-on about Letterman being a top member of the Illuminati.  I used the gag with a couple of ultra-right-wing talk show hosts on US shortwave radio.  I called in, inquiring about his membership/affiliation.  One time I spoke with the late William Cooper on the phone, asking him about the images seen during the Late Show opening, a fly-over of New York City featuring various landmarks.  I mentioned how some buildings had pyramid shapes.  Cooper told me it was part of the hidden message.

The Lettermanati story was a yardstick to measure how nuts those SW conspiracy theorists were.

I hadn't seen David on TV for a long time - I thought he was dead - and was surprised the last time I happened to notice his program.  (His TV show functioned as a night light to my toilet.)  There was this old fart on the screen, telling lame-o jokes. Dabbs Greer had taken over?

Maybe I should celebrate David's retirement by spreading more BS about his Illuminati connections.  I could say he was a 33.5 Degree Mason at the Lodge of Moose and Squirrel in Frostbite Falls.  But there are those who would believe me despite tongue planted firmly in cheek.

I wonder if CBS will be conducting tours of the Ed Sullivan Theater after David's departure.  I would like to see the sex bunker with the tour guide providing a historical perspective.


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From Ray X X-Rayer #107.  To subscribe via email or to read archived issues go to .


X. Dell said...

It's Badenov that Letterman's Illluminatied-Up. I saw his as a fearless leader of this wannabe bourgeois chic, but I guess that was my Fatale error.

I never really paid that much attention to the show. I don't really know if I ever saw an entire episode of it. But thanks to the media blitz that even infiltrated NPR, which I listen to frequently, I found out about the retirement about a week before it happened.

X. Dell said...

BTW, I read the issue of X-Rayer I received in my inbox. I can comment by e-mail or here, or not at all. Whatever you prefer.