Tuesday, August 26, 2014

XR #103 Online

If you prefer my blog posts in a zine format check out Ray's X Zone where you can view and download recent issues.

I just uploaded Ray X X-Rayer #103, the White Space Issue.  Here's a link to view it directly.

I'm down to a handful of paperzine subscribers and I'm debating whether or not to drop the entire zine format both in print and PDF.  Or I might drop the blog and just do an email newsletter.  This would eliminate some duplication of effort.  Any feedback from out there?


Marvin the Martian said...

I would stick with the blog, and ditch the paper format. Avoid email blasts - they get stuck in spam filters and otherwise just get lost in the spam hurricane that is the Internet.

X. Dell said...

I'm sure you'll let us know where we can get Ray's-X material in any form.

Obviously, I'm a fan of the blogging format. But I can see the effort that comes from doing both, and frankly I can sympathize.